About the SoCal Hub
Realizing the Hub
The geographic proximity and historical connections between northern UC campuses (Berkeley, Davis and San Francisco), and Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore national laboratories have facilitated the development of numerous collaborations in research and workforce development.
The UC Southern California Hub came from the realization that the geographic separation of southern campuses from UC-managed national laboratories (Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos) has hindered development of the same robust and thriving collaborations enjoyed by the northern campuses. These considerations have led to the shared and exciting vision for the SoCal Hub.

Future of the Hub

Taken together, UC southern campuses are the single largest producer of science and engineering graduates in the U.S., with special strengths in diversity and inclusion. They also excel in science and engineering research. The southern campuses and national labs will benefit from this collaboration in the following ways:
- Top talent from UC southern campuses and UC-managed national labs collaborate on high-impact science and engineering research to advance regional and national goals,
- Leveraging great commitment to diversity and inclusion at UC campuses to educate a diverse workforce of scientists and engineers for work at national labs, and
- A robust financial model with base support from UCOP and grants from the Department of Energy.