UC‐National Laboratories Southern California Hub

Our Mission

Harnessing synergies between southern UC campuses and UC managed national laboratories for high impact, collaborative research in the national interest.

Socal Hub Map


Patricia Falcone

Patricia Falcone, PhD
Deputy Director for Science and Technology

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

J. Patrick Fitch

J. Patrick Fitch
Deputy Director for Science, Technology & Engineering

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)

Pramod Khargonekar will assume the role of UCI’s vice chancellor for research on June 30.

Pramod Khargonakar, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research

University of California, Irvine

Portrait of Rodolfo Torres, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development. 
(UCR/Stan Lim)

Rodolfo H. Torres, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development

University of California, Riverside

Roger Wakimoto

Roger Wakimoto, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research & Creative Activities

University of California, Los Angeles

Corrine Peek-Asa

Corrine Peek-Asa, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research

University of California, San Diego

Joe Incandela

Joe Incandela, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research

University of California, Santa Barbara

For Students & Researchers

Whether you are an undergraduate student, a graduate student, a postdoctoral fellow or post-baccalaureate, the national labs are a great place to take your research career to new heights.

The Southern California Hub is a wonderful place to begin looking for:

  • Job Opportunities
  • Fellowships
  • Internships
  • Research Partnerships
Los Alamos